Sunday, 20 April 2014

Books Vs Kindle

Those who know me well will know I am bit old fashioned when its comes to my view on books etc so I sent the publishing company Random House  a little message just to express my feelings .
In a world that is becoming so obsessed with all things technological I am still  happy to opt for an actual book and enjoy reading it with a nice cup of tea.

I would love to find out your views on my books vs Kindle debate ...

Here is the message I sent to Random House ...

From being a little girl and being told my first fairy tale to searching through textbooks for my university degree books have always been a big part of my life .

In the wake of such technological advances and the introduction of dare I say the word "The Kindle" books are seemingly becoming less and less popular .

The shutting down of libraries and the well known fact of the amount of books going to landfill is an issue that struck me recently. With so many environmental activists and the addition of book replacements made me wonder why publishing companies are not moving forward as well .

I guess what I am trying to say is why do companies like yourselves not produce new books from recycled paper or create new novels from old books ... Keeping the art of having a physical book to read alive? Not only would this reduce the amount of paper going to landfill but allow yourselves to contribute to your social corporate responsibility .
I am sure I am not the only person out there that doesn't want to see the day when electronic books take over and feel this is an effective way to keep up with todays society so we to can live happily ever after .

What do you think ??

Love Liv - A modern day book worm that would much rather enjoy the art work of a book then try and read something on a 2d screen

The Most Inspiring Bond I Have Ever Come Across x

For a long time now I have always wanted to make a difference in this world and have an impact on those around me, and have  always been inspired with powerful and influential figures.

There is one particular story that I knew I had to post , and that is the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt. Collectively known as TEAM HOYT this truly inspiring father and son compete in marathons and triathlons all around the country. 
Their story instantly captured my heart as they are no normal sporting team, Rick was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth and participates in these sports events via  specialised wheelchairs bicycles and a boat for the swimming part of triathlons alongside his father. 
Their sheer dedication has seen them participate in numerous events and the video below really is one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen. 
Next time I complain about going out for a short run in the cold I will be thinking of Rick as motivation to know that nothing can hold you back. 

For more information about this fabulous story or to make a donation please visit their website... Team Hoyt

My 16 Year Old Self

My 16 Year Old Self ......

I recently found a box full of old birthday cards, photographs and magazine clippings all of which I hope to one day finally put into a scrapbook. Among all these treasures was a feature from Glamour magazine written by Dannii Minogue titled ' My 16 year old self ', it was a letter written as if she was talking to herself at the age of 16 and all the things that had happened since, it really inspired me to write my own mini version .

So here goes .

Dear My 16 year old self ....

First of all enjoy your last few years at school, as these really are the best days of your life and ones you will never get back ... Also trust me they are the easiest, although I am sure you will put up a good argument against this one !
 That guy you went on that date with on that cold november afternoon will still be your boyfriend 7 years later, although there will be up and downs it will end up for the best and you will become the greatest partnership out there.

As always you have to do things differently to everyone else so you will end up doing 4 years of A levels to get to where you want to be but everything happens for a reason right ?

Oh and don't let your nursing work experience get to you to much as you will end up going to University and to study Events Management soon to discover your love and passion for Public Relations; so far cry from the medical world.

During your time at university your strength and determination will be truly tested as your dad will be diagnosed with cancer, and for the first 2 years of your degree he will be being made better . You know him though, his upbeat attitude and positive approach to the world will keep you both strong and ever strengthen your unbreakable bond. So if there is one thing I can ask you is ensure you work your bum off to make him proud and use his inspiration as motivation to always know that nothing can get in your way or hold you back .

The company you applied for work experience with that turned you down will accept you onto a 6 week work experience placement in your second year of uni and subsequently offer you a job ... what did i tell you ... hard work does pay off .

Your dreams will also come true when you take part in a three month work placement in Disney World and you will meet people that will change your life forever .

Never being one to keep your thoughts to yourself ... seeing your mum finish the London Marathon with have you blurt out that you want to do it , and for being one to keep your word you will cross the finish line the following year ( although not quite as fast as your mum ) .

Whilst everyone around you is having babies and getting married you will become a fairy godmother to a very special little lady who even has the same name as you  ( destined to be fabulous :) ).

You will also go against all your old school beliefs that all your dreams and inspirations are to be wrote in a book as you will  actually start an online blog ... who would have ever thought !!

Always treasure each moment and always say the things you want to say to people whilst you get the chance as you never know when they wont be around anymore...

Oh and keep up the exercise as you will get fat haha
But until the next time thats all for now :)

Lots of Love

Me xXx

Ps Your love for sparkly things will never change xXx

Daily Dose of Glitter

Shining Like A Diamond

I received this Banksy image on a card this week and its now taken pride of place on my windowsill
as a little bit of twinkling inspiration . It represents to me that everyone has the opportunity to grasp very special things in the palm of their hand, but its down to you to capture this very opportunity.
Recently various people have said how lucky I am to have achieved the things I have and when I look back it wasn't luck at all but pure hard work and dedication . The only think I can count on my lucky stars is being blessed with such fabulous and supportive family and friends around me xXx

Keep twinkling beauties 

Lots of love Liv xXx